Tuesday, January 24, 2012

There is an ounce of beauty in all things. No matter what society teaches us, we can learn and be inspired by anything that we see and experience in life. As I continue to mature, I have realized that one of the Universe's greatest gifts is silence. And I know that this may sound funny to many of you out there, but think about it... When was the last time that you really sat down by yourself with no T.V. on, the laptop shutdown, and the phone turned off and you just indulged in the sound of SILENCE.

This is very hard to do in our society because we are so used to having a daily routine and I am learning that as people (and functioning humans) we MUST learn how to do this more in order to live a more balanced and clarified life. So I created a video talking about this a little bit, just to share my thoughts about what I have learned by practicing this in my life.

Enjoy and let me know what revelations you have had if you have practiced this.



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